Higher Education Reform in History Recording
The Most Impactful Higher Education Reform in History. How Most Chiropractors Will Now Have an Effective Interest Rate of 0% or Less and How Many Older Chiropractors Will Have Their Loans Forgiven Entirely.
The year 2023 will mark the year of the greatest overhaul to federal student loans since the creation of Student Loan Forgiveness in the Obama administration. We will cover what every chiropractor who has student loans must do before the end of the year in order to qualify for the IDR one time account adjustment which has resulted in over 10% of our chiropractic clients having their loans forgiven entirely. We will go over all of the changes that have been made since the Covid pandemic and there have been many, and what all chiropractors need to know regarding these. We will go over the strategies that we have been using this past decade and how with the changes to income driven repayment plans and subsidies, federal student loans may have little to no impact on many chiropractors when managed correctly. I understand these are bold claims, and I can assure you that they are in fact true and I aim to provide evidence of this fact in the lunch and learn.
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