Phase 1 Future of Chiropractic Strategic Visioning is almost complete
We are into a very exciting part of the future of ‘Chiropractic strategic visioning and planning project’. The overall Phase 1 Future of Chiropractic Strategic Visioning is almost complete, and we have one more chance for the industry to help shape the future vision.
We recently completed the Think-Tank, which developed a range of plausible futures of the industry. These future scenarios were built to provide a testing group to play out the impacts of different future trajectories. The scenario matrix is built around two macro future splitting axes, which were ‘Industry Acceptance and Utilization; and ‘Professional Pipeline’. This future canvas is a great testing group to explore ideas such as expected future (what will happen if we keep heading in the current direction) and the preferred future (the optimal or ideal future). The preferred future represents the vision for the future.
Over the next 2 weeks, we will be presenting a series of 30-minute Expected & Preferred Future Workshops, which will be your chance learn about these scenarios and have your say on the preferred future. Sign up today!
(Note: Those who already participated in the Think Tank will find this to be repeat information).
- Monday, February 15, 12:00pm EST
- Wednesday, February 17, 8:00am EST
- Friday, February 19, 11:30am EST
- Tuesday, February 23, 10:00am EST
- Thursday, February 25, 1:00pm EST

Once we complete input into the preferred future (the vision), then the strategic planning work starts in March to figure out how the profession can get there.
You can track the project on the portal, where all the material is progressively being posted:
David Beurle
CEO, Future iQ
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